Code Haven at Yale
Classroom Lead/Treasurer
An organization that introduces Computer Science to elementary and middle school
students through weekly meetings. Many middle schools in New Haven don’t have computer science programs. Yale has a wealth of computer science
knowledge in its students, faculty, and resources. We want to combine the two worlds and increase interest and awareness of computer science in local schools.
My Role:
Fall of 2020 I was a mentor in the Bishop Woods classroom and then for the spring
of 2021 I was selected to be Treasurer of Code Haven and Classroom Lead of another Bishop Woods classroom. As a mentor, I worked with a handful of students
to help them through learning the curriculum. As a Classroom Lead, I would communicate with the classroom teacher and lead the entire class in
Bishop Woods through the main portion of the curriculum before proceeding to oversee all the sub-classes. As Treasurer, I managed the finances
for the organization, applied for grants, kept track of the expenses, and distributed reimbursements.